Search Results - kevin+marr

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Novel test system for replicating cylindrical battery thermal runaway
Background Simulating real-world battery internal failures in a battery system is crucial to test and examine the performance of the designed protective mechanisms that enhance battery safety. The invention is created to be incorporated into a battery system to simulate battery internal failures. Other similar existing tools such as nail penetration...
Published: 12/11/2023   |   Inventor(s): Ofodike Ezekoye, Haotian Yan, Kevin Marr
Keywords(s): Batteries, Clean energy
Category(s): Physical sciences > Energy > Batteries/energy storage, Physical sciences
Lens with Electronically Controlled Optical Properties
Executive SummaryThis MSU-developed device allows for electrical control of the optical properties in a liquid lens and other optic devices. Capable of altering light’s focal point, this technology lends itself into many applications such as displays, microscopes, telescopes, interferometers, and many more. Description of TechnologyBy controlling...
Published: 8/20/2022   |   Inventor(s): Gary Blanchard, Greg Swain, Romana Jarosova, Ke Ma
Category(s): Advanced Materials, Chemicals, Devices, Photonics