Search Results - fei+xu

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Keratinimicins and Keratinicyclins- Novel families of antibacterial and antiviral agents
Keratinimicins and Keratinicyclins- Novel families of antibacterial and antiviral agents Docket# 18-3381-1 Researchers at Princeton University have developed a rapid genetics-free method for eliciting and detecting cryptic metabolites. Utilizing this approach, the inventors have activated production of diverse cryptic metabolites and characterized...
Published: 9/5/2023   |   Inventor(s): Mohammad Seyedsayamdost, Fei Xu, Yihan Wu, Leah Bushin, Katherine Davis
Category(s): Biotechnology/Pharmaceuticals
Introductory Business Chinese
Description of TechnologyIntroductory Business Chinese is intended mainly for use by those who have little or no knowledge of the Chinese language but who, for any number of different reasons, wish to learn more about business and economics in the Chinese environment. The primary intended audiences are (1) business professionals who deal with Chinese...
Published: 6/8/2021   |   Inventor(s): Patricia Paulsell, Fei Fei
Keywords(s): Chinese Language, Chinese Language Instruction, Software
Category(s): Computer Software