Search Results - elena+leonarduzzi

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HydroGEN Forecast Generator
HydroGEN is a web-based platform for hydrologic simulation utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and current data to provide accurate forecasts to water managers and other decision makers. The HydroGEN Forecast Generator is a workflow that builds a hydrologic model for any watershed in the United States and seasonal runs forecasts using a machine...
Published: 8/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): Laura Condon, Nirav Merchant, Amy Johnson, Reed Maxwell, Peter Melchior, Jill Williams, Will Lytle, Edwin Skidmore, Yueling Ma, Elena Leonarduzzi, Andrew Bennett, Luis De la Fuente
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Energy, Cleantech & Environmental, Technology Classifications > Software & Information Technology, Technology Classifications > Agriculture & Horticulture
Small Molecule Anti-cancer Agents that Stabilize the MYC-G-Quadruplex
Abstract: The proto-oncogene c-Myc is deregulated and overexpressed in ~70% of all cancers. Thus, c-Myc is an attractive therapeutic target since disrupting c-Myc activity could be used as pan-chemotherapy. Beyond cancer, Myc is also a positive effector of tissue inflammation, and its function has been implicated in the pathophysiology of heart failure....
Published: 7/3/2024   |   Inventor(s): John (Jay) Schneekloth, Kenneth Felsenstein, John Simmons, Lindsey Saunders, Beverly Mock, Peter Gareiss, David Calabrese, Elena Leon
Keywords(s): C-MYC, G-Quadruplex (G4), MULTIPLE MYELOMA, Schneekloth
Category(s): Application > Therapeutics, Collaboration Sought > Licensing, Collaboration Sought > Collaboration, TherapeuticArea > Oncology