Search Results - dewater

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Cost- and Energy-Efficient Device for De-watering Microalgae Using Stimuli-Sensitive Hydrogels
Project ID: D2016-01 IP Status: US Patent 10,077,422 Invention Description: Currently, a major hurdle for commercial-scale production of fuels and other products from microalgae is recovering algal biomass from growth media with minimal cost and energy input. When cultivated in open raceway ponds, microalgae concentrations are very low – typically...
Published: 5/31/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sridhar Viamajala, Sasidhar Varanasi, Agasteswar Vadlamani, Xiaofei Zhao
Keywords(s): Algae, Biomass, Concentrate, Dewater, Microalgae
Category(s): Manufacturing, Biomass Conversion & Recycling