Search Results - cory+smith

2 Results Sort By:
Sacrum Wound Model
This invention is a training device for simulating assessment and treatment of wounds located near the sacrum. The training model looks and feels anatomically correct to the trainee, having soft, pliable gluteal muscles that require the trainee to search the cleft for hidden wounds. The model simulates the gluteal region of a patient, including the...
Published: 1/15/2019   |   Inventor(s): Marlene Summers, Cynthia Carman, Deborah Morris, Phillip Wortham, Rami Shorti, Cory Smith
Category(s): 1 = Active
Cricothyrotomy Trainer
A comfortable and secure wearable device simulates the anatomy of the patient’s neck. The backing is Kevlar to prevent an actor from being injured during the procedure. At the center of the device is an anatomically correct larynx. Over the larynx are layers of imitation tissue and skin, and an optional bladder that releases blood during the...
Published: 1/15/2019   |   Inventor(s): Rob Bryant, Cory Smith, Rami Shorti, Phillip Wortham
Category(s): 1 = Active