Search Results - colony+elimination

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Injectable Fluid Bait to Treat Active Termite Infestations
Slow-Acting, Non-Repellant Fluid Bait Injected into Active Termite Infestations This fluid bait matrix is injected into active termite infestations to eliminate the termite colonies. Termite infestations—which cost Americans more than $20 billion every year—can be especially troublesome because by the time damage becomes noticeable, the...
Published: 2/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Nan-Yao Su
Keywords(s): above-ground baits, Bait, colony elimination, injectable bait, Insect, non-repellent baits, remedial control, slow acting, slow-acting and non-repellent baits, termite, termite bait, Termite Bait Station, Termites
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Agricultural > Insect Control