Search Results - camille+steber

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Wheat Genotype(s) with Genetic Tolerance to the Soilborne Pathogens Rhizoctonia solani, Rhizoctonia oryzae, Pythium ultimum, and Pythium irregulare
Abstract The invention is a new genotype of wheat with tolerance to the root pathogens Rhizoctonia solani, Rhizoctonia oryzae, Pythium ultimum, and Pythium irregulare group IV. This genotype was originally generated by screening mutagenized seed of the spring wheat for increased tolerance to Rhizoctonia solani. Later experiments determined...
Published: 4/28/2023   |   Inventor(s): Camille Steber, Kimberlee Kidwell, Victor Demacon, Patricia Okubara
Keywords(s): Agriculture and Plant Sciences
Category(s): Technologies > Food & Nutrition > Agriculture and Plant Sciences