Search Results - applications

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Rapid Seeding Spool
The Rapid Seeding Spool is effectively designed to reduce operation and labor costs in maricultural farming. The spool uses two thrusters to propel and evenly rotate around the seed string at a specified number of wraps per distance. The seeding can be done underwater and reduces the time seed spools spend in the air; this reduces exposure time to the...
Published: 7/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Robin Littlefield, David Bailey, Scott Lindell, Ben Weiss
Keywords(s): Aquaculture
Category(s): Product Types > Tools and Equipment, Applications, Applications > Aquaculture
Improved Marine Profiler
­The Improved Marine Profiler enables longer deployment times and significantly improved data. This low-drag, flow-aligning profiler pivots both horizontally and vertically to orient with the incident current flow to minimize drag. By naturally orienting into the surrounding current flow, the new design also improves the data quality from sensors...
Published: 7/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Fredrik Thwaites, Jeffrey O'Brien, John Toole, Ken Doherty
Keywords(s): Hardware
Category(s): Applications > Oceanographic Research, Applications, Applications > Monitoring, Product Types > Marine Profilers