Search Results - 01.+++electronics%2c+it+and+telecomms

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Precision Deployment & Adjustment Mechanism
A deployment mechanism, with excellent fine tuning capabilities in three degrees of freedom.IMAGES Published: 7/23/2024   |   Inventor(s): David Pearson
Keywords(s): 01. ELECTRONICS, IT AND TELECOMMS, 02.e. Packaging/Handling, 02.j. Aerospace Technology, 05.g. Mechanical Engineering
Category(s): Optics & Lasers, Space Technology, Mechanical & Automotive, Aerospace Engineering
Novel Amplifier
STFC has developed a gain block with improved noise performance and lower power consumption, developed initially for use in a charge amplifier front end. The block can also be used in other types of amplifier, especially voltage amplifiers and shaping amplifiers. IMAGES Published: 6/8/2022   |   Inventor(s): Richard Stephenson
Keywords(s): 01. ELECTRONICS, IT AND TELECOMMS, 01.a. Electronics, 01.h. Imaging & Detector Technology, 09.b. Amplifier, A/D Transducer
Category(s): Electronics & Semiconductors, Sensors & detectors, Space Technology