mmWall: A Reconfigurable Metamaterial Surface for mmWave Networks

mmWall: A Reconfigurable Metamaterial Surface for mmWave Networks

Princeton Docket # 21-3796

As mobile operators transition to 5G networks, the integration of millimeter wave (mmWave) technology into indoor environments presents significant challenges. High directionality and susceptibility to blockage from obstacles like walls and human movement can severely hinder signal reliability. To overcome these issues, Princeton University researchers developed the mmWall, an innovative wall-mounted smart meta surface. This cutting-edge solution enables efficient beam relaying through walls, directing signal power even when line-of-sight paths are obstructed. The mmWall not only accommodates multiple users but also enhances beam alignment through the generation of multi-armed beams, ensuring robust connectivity in dynamic environments.

The mmWall metasurface operates without traditional transmitting or receiving antennas, instead refracting incoming mmWave signals into desired directions, whether within the same room or across walls. This technology allows for the efficient splitting of beams into multiple outgoing paths, effectively maintaining high signal quality and minimizing communication glitches typically caused by obstacles. Preliminary results demonstrate impressive performance, with an outgoing beam capable of steering 360 degrees, achieving single-beam efficiency of 89.8% and double-beam efficiency of 74.5%. These capabilities are crucial for supporting demanding applications such as virtual and augmented reality, serverless computing, and robotic automation, all of which require high bandwidth and low latency to function effectively.

By addressing the inherent limitations of mmWave technology, mmWall promises to improve indoor wireless communication, enabling seamless, high-speed connections that support a variety of advanced mobile applications. This adaptable solution not only simplifies the deployment of mmWave networks but also significantly enhances user experiences in immersive environments, ensuring that connectivity remains uninterrupted even in the presence of obstacles.




  • Indoor 5G mmWave networks
  • Virtual/augmented reality
  • Robotic automation
  • Smart retail solutions




  • Enhanced signal reliability
  • Multi-user support
  • Fast beam alignment
  • 360-degree beam steering


Stage of development

The mmWall technology is currently in the prototype stage, demonstrating promising preliminary results in beam steering efficiency and multi-user support





Kyle Jamieson Ph.D. is a Professor of Computer Science and an Associated Faculty in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Princeton University. He also leads the Princeton Advanced Wireless Systems lab.

Kun Woo Cho is a Ph.D. candidate conducting research at Princeton’s Advanced Wireless Systems lab.

Mohammad Mazaheri Ph.D. is a Postdoctoral fellow at the University of California, Los Angelos His research interests include wireless communication, 5G, and antenna arrays.  

Jeremy Gummeson Ph.D. is an assistant professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.

Omid Abari Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Computer Science Department at UCLA, where he leads the Intelligent Connectivity (ICON) research group. He holds a PhD and Master's from MIT and his research focuses on IoT networks and systems, and developing innovative software-hardware solutions for scalable sensing and communication.


Intellectual Property & Development status

Patent protection is pending.

Princeton is currently seeking commercial partners for the further development and commercialization of this opportunity.



Tony Williams •  (609) 258-3769 •

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