Wheat Variety 'Curiosity CL+' (WA8143), Soft White Winter Wheat


Curiosity CL+ is a soft white common winter two-gene Imidazolinone tolerant (Clearfield) wheat variety developed and released in 2013 by the Agricultural Research Center of Washington State University. It’s the first two-gene Clearfield (CL+) wheat variety released by WSU. Compared to the single-gene, the two-gene technology provides significantly better tolerance to Imidazolinone group of herbicide imazamox.


Curiosity CL+ was developed using marker-assisted background selection approach. Compared to popular wheat varieties including those with Clearfield technology, Curiosity CL+ has higher yield potential, excellent snow mold resistance, and better stripe rust resistance. Curiosity CL+ is ideal for Pacific Northwest areas where ORCF102, ORCF103, Eltan and Xerpha are currently grown.



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