Citation analysis is a popular bibliometric approach for analyzing large bodies of scientifc knowledge. Existing visulation tools often generate citation-driven science maps to allow a user to quickly understand and analyze trends and patterns in scientific literature. Traditionally, a single science map is used as a basemap on which a thematic overlay can be superimposed. However, a drawback of single-map overlays is that they do not offer intuitive ways to simultaneously depict sources and targets of citations. To overcome this deficiency a Drexel researcher, Dr. Chaomei Chen, has developed a novel dual-map display that introduces two basemaps to support the simulataneous visualization of both source and target citations. Citation links between base maps are depicted as arcs or sin-wave-like curves connecting the source and target of a link. Dual map analysis enables several types of visual analytic tasks. For example, a user may identify disciplinary regions in which an institution has its competencies by finding the regions with the most citation launching pads on the citing portion of the map. In addition, a user may determine whether a group of publications is integrating prior work from multiple disciplines by tracing the citation arcs to the number of concentrated landing areas branching off from the origin.
TITLE: Applications
Knowledge Domain Visualization
Competitor Intelligence
Patent Research
Gap Analytics
R&D Decision Making
Supports rapid visual identification of disciplinary regions in which an institution or multiple institutions have their competencies
Allows visual determination of whether a cluster of publications is integrating prior work from multiple disciplines
FIGURES: Insert Figure Image Inside Figure Tags within Editor
Figure 1
Pubinfo should be the citation for your publication. Publink is the full url linking to the publication online or a pdf.
Chaomei Chen, Loet Leydesdorff (2014) Patterns of connections and movements in dual-map overlays: A new method of publication portfolio analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 65(2), 334-351.
Commercialization Opportunities
Contact Information
Robert B. McGrath, Ph.D.
Senior Associate Vice Provost
Office of Technology Commercialization
Drexel University
3180 Chestnut Street, Ste. 104
The Left Bank
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Phone: 215-895-0303
For Technical Information:
Chaomei Chen. Ph.D.
College of Computing and Informatics
3141 Chestnut St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA
Phone: 1-215- 895-6627