Snap Pea Exp. S1423 & 1430

Technology Description

S1423 and S1430 are a pair of tall-vined snap peas that were bred for production under organic conditions. They have dimpled seed that has been selected for good germination and emergence in cool soils without the application of fungicide seed treatments. The flavorful pods are medium green in color, thick-walled and succulent and have suture strings. They should be trained to a trellis to facilitate multiple hand pickings over the growing season. Height to first node is about 2½ ft for S1423 and 3 ft for S1430. The cultivars have an excellent disease package with durable resistance to powdery mildew, pea enation mosaic virus resistance, Fusarium wilt race 1 resistance, and tolerance to red clover vein mosaic virus. Trial data is available upon request. Licensee may have input into naming the cultivars.


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