Next Generation Wireless Amplifier Technology: BiSTA (Bipolar Stacked Transistor Architecture)

A new design for an integrated circuit amplifier operating at very high frequencies. Current high frequency amplifiers use expensive III-V technologies (GaAs, InP). This invention uses commercial silicon technology.

Has this invention been tested?

  • Yes, results have been published in 2 peer reviewed scientific journals.
  • This design has been fabricated using IBM 8HP BiCMOS SiGe commercial technology.
  • Two prototype amplifiers have been built, extensively tested and measured to operate at frequencies of 2.4 GHz and 30 GHz.
  • 2.4 GHz measures: PSAT=18.55 dBm, PAE=32.0 %, VBIAS=3.23 V.
  • 30 GHz measures: PSAT=19.0 dBm , PAE=11.5 %, VBIAS=5.06 V.

Fig. 1 - Bi-Polar Stacked Transistor Architecture


  • low cost of production
  • large & mature manufacturing base
  • high reliability
  • high integration, system-on-single-chip
  • solutions

Commercial low frequency applications:

  • cellular phone systems
  • WiFi
  •  bluetooth amplifiers

Commercial high frequency applications:

  • wireless-HDMI (blue-ray to TV interface)
  • airport security imaging scanners
  • medical imaging scanners
  • automotive radar
  • telecom long-haul back-end wireless communications (tower-to-back-office, tower-to-tower communication)
  • building-to-building wireless communications

Military applications:

  • satellite communications
  • compact radar systems
  • phased-array T/R systems
Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
Bipolar Stacked Transistor Architecture US Utility United States 13/427,311 8,791,759 3/22/2012 7/29/2014 3/22/2032