Methods of specifically labeling nucleic acids using CRISPR/Cas9






Executive Statement:

A new genome analysis technique that uses guide RNA and Cas9 nickase to detect target nucleic acid sequences using fluorescent labeling.


The technology involves a method for sequence-specific labeling that can target repetitive regions in the genome. This method contacts genomic DNA with a guide RNA and Cas9 nickase to produce a single-strand break (nick) adjacent to the target sequence. A fluorescently labeled nucleotide is incorporated into the nicked DNA, which is then used to detect the target nucleic acid sequence. This technique can be used for genomic research, clinical diagnostics, identification of structural variants, repetitive region mapping, etc.




TITLE:Key Advantages


Allows for precise mapping of long-range de novo assembly contiguity and validation

Can target repetitive regions often lacking in restriction site motif

Capable of detecting specific structural variations, providing accurate breaking points

Offers a potential solution to sequence mis-assembly in complex, duplicated, and repetitive regions

Improved accuracy in detecting target nucleic acid sequence 

Creates a barcode of a portion of the genomic DNA


Problem Solved

TITLE:Problems Solved


Inadequate long-range de novo assembly contiguity 

Sequence mis-assembly in complex segmentally duplicated and repetitive regions

Detection and delineation of structural variations

Overcomes the limitation of being unable to target repetitive regions




TITLE: Market Applications


Clinical diagnostics for detecting and typing structural variations

Development of new genome editing tools and techniques

Genomic research and analysis

Clinical Diagnostics




Intellectual Property and Development Status


US Patent Issued #US10640810B2 - Methods of specifically labeling nucleic acids using CRISPR/Cas - Expires 2037








Pubinfo should be the citation for your publication. Publink is the full url linking to the publication online or a pdf.

Nature Scientific Reports 2024: A long-read sequencing strategy with overlapping linkers on adjacent fragments (OLAF-Seq) for targeted resequencing and enrichment



Nucleic Acids Research 2015: CRISPR-CAS9 D10A nickase target-specific fluorescent labeling of double strand DNA for whole genome mapping and structural variation analysis







Commercialization Opportunities

 This invention is part of a larger portfolio of technologies available for licensing and commercialization TOOLS FOR GENOMIC APPLICATIONS POWERED BY CRISPR/CAS9 BASED DNA LABELING




 Contact Information      


For Intellectual Property and Licensing inquiries


Tanvi Muni, PhD

Licensing Manager,

Drexel Applied Innovation

Office of Research and Innovation

3250 Chestnut Street, Ste. 3010
Philadelphia, PA 19104



Inventor information


Ming Xiao, PhD

School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems


Inventor Webpage




Patent Information: