Materials for Room Temperature, Electrically Controlled Quantum Computing

Supports More Practical Quantum Systems by Enabling Data Storage and Manipulation at Room Temperatures

These materials function as tunable qubits that preserve spin states at room temperature, improving standard quantum computing systems. Quantum computers have the potential to perform simulations and make calculations infeasibly intensive or complex for classical computers. Quantum information science can help develop new medications, better machine learning, more secure encryption, and more realistic simulations for cutting-edge scientific research. However, available quantum systems store quantum information using qubit material that must remain cooled to absolute zero, and the information is only accessible using magnetic techniques. This makes developing useful quantum computers difficult.


Researchers at the University of Florida and Universidad de los Andes have developed metal-organic nanoparticle matrix qubit materials that store quantum data at room temperature and enable easier access to the data via electrical charge. These materials facilitate more practical quantum systems with greater accessibility, scalability, and functionality.




More practical quantum computing systems using enhanced qubit materials that work at room temperature



  • Conserves quantum spin states at room temperature, making it easier to store, retrieve, and process information in quantum computers
  • Has a tunable magnetic moment, establishing coherence in quantum systems
  • Allows access to spin states via electrical signals, providing better control of quantum data


The material consists of multiferroic bismuth iron oxide (BFO) nanoparticles embedded in a metal-organic matrix. It has a unique combination of properties that makes it fit for use as a qubit in tunable quantum spin systems. The material conserves quantum spin states at room temperature and allows control of those states using charge currents due to its enhanced magnetoelectric coupling. Varying the geometric and chemical characteristics of the material can optimize the spin coherence time for a given quantum system.

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