Executive Summary
Harmful microbes are present in a variety of sources including water, food, plants, environment, and through human-to-human transmission. The ability to detect them rapidly at low cost is important to protecting the health and safety of humans and animals and the security of food chains. MSU researchers have developed novel magnetic nanoparticles for quickly extracting pathogens (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microbes) from a variety of complex matrices. This allows enhancing the sensitivity of biosensors and other diagnostics for rapid detection of these pathogens. .
Description of Technology
This technology covers a suite of inventions relating to magnetic nanoparticles, magnetically activated cell enrichment (a.k.a. MACE), a one pot method of making the magnetic nanoparticles, and their use. The particles are based on the synthesis of magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles covalently coated with glycoconjugates. Examples of glycoconjugates include chitosan, N-acetylglucosamine, cysteine, glycine, mannose, galactose, carboxyl groups, and other glycoproteins, carbohydrates, and their conjugates. Upon mixing with the media containing the target analyte, the glyco-magnetic NPs bind to the microbes which can be selectively separated with a magnet to concentrate them. The concentrated nanoparticle-microbes can then be viewed under a microscope. Identification of specific microbes is done through staining, morphological characterization, or surface charge..
Patent Status
Published US application US 2021/0164970 A1
Licensing Rights
Licensing rights available with field of use restrictions
Journal of Food protection article
Biosensors article
Dr. Evangelyn Alocilja
TEC2015-0020, TEC2015-0042, TEC2015-0068