MAT2C: MATLAB-To-C Translator

NU 2003-001



Pramod G. Joisha

Prithviraj Banerjee*


Short Description

New software for automatic translation of MATLAB programs to optimized C code



MAT2C is a software application that automatically translates MATLAB programs to highly optimized C code. The compiled code is usually orders of magnitude faster than the interpreted versions and is also often much faster then the C codes generated by mcc, the only commercially available compiler for MATLAB. The key reason for this is the use of statistically inferred types, produced by a back-end type inference engine called MAGICA, in optimizations and code-generation.



  • Compilation of specifications in MATLAB
  • Instructional use in classrooms



  • Increased efficiency and speed of code compared to commercial competitor
  • Uses type information, unlike the commercial competitor



Joisha PG, Banerjee P. (2007) A translator system for the MATLAB language. Software Practice and Experience 37: 535-578.


IP Status


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