CYBERSECURITY: Reliability Of A Computer Network

Competitive Advantages

  • This analytical model is developed using real data of the National Vulnerability Database, NVD.
  •  This analytical model is made up of data from Microsoft, Linux, and Apple computer operating systems that represents 99.34% of the market around the globe.
  • This analytical model can identify the minimum number of steps, n, that a hacker will need to hack the subject computer network. This information is very useful to the network design engineer, the network testing prior to mass production, important marketing information concerning the quality of their product, to IT director in managing such a computer network system.


The reliability of a computer network is very crucial matter. Any attempt to hack into a network with stored information will place the system at substantial risk. Identifying the analytical form of the reliability function depends initially on knowing the failure times of a given product. In cybersecurity- computer network systems, there is no definition of what is meant by reliability in cybersecurity. Thus, researchers have introduced what they believe is a good definition of the subject matter. In the domain of reliability, the key entity is the failure times. In this innovation, researchers have used the available vulnerabilities of computer operating systems and used an existing statistical model to identify the minimum number of steps that will take a hacker to hack a given computer network. Once the computer network is hacked, it fails us, thus, our failure time is the minimum number of steps necessary to hack the subject network. In developing the analytical form of the reliability function of a given computer network. it is necessary to identify the probability distribution that characterizes probabilistically the behavior of n (the minimum number of steps to hack a given computer network). This proposed innovation addresses the question both parametric and nonparametric with a high degree of accuracy. Although this real data driven analytical model is for a specific computer network system, this method can be used to derive the model for any computer network system that a company desire.

Data collection procedure and computation of expected path length for a network to be exploited. 


Desired Partnerships

  • License 
  • Sponsored Research 
  • Co-Development 


Patent Information:
Title App Type Country Serial No. Patent No. File Date Issued Date Expire Date
CYBERSECURITY: Reliability Of A Computer Network Utility United States 17/110,962 11,483,335 12/3/2020 10/25/2022 12/3/2040