Description: Methylocystis daltona SB2 (SB2) is a novel facultative methanotroph capable of utilizing methane and other multi-carbon substrates for growth has been identified. SB2 constitutively expresses methane monooxygenase, enabling bioremediation of cholorinated solvents, enhanced removal of methane from the atmosphere, and for controlling emission of methane from multiple sources, including landfills and concentrated animal feeding operations.SB2 also produces a novel chalkophore, or copper-binding compound, and may be used for removal of metals from aqueous systems, removal of mercury from gaseous waste streams, and the production of nanoparticles from precious metals (gold, rhodium, platinum and palladium). This is the first example of a prokaryotic system capable of these functions.
Advantage: • Versatile • More effective than current bioremediation solutions
Application: • Remediation of chlorinated solvents• Remediation of methane from the atmosphere; controlling methane emission from landfills, animal production facilities, etc.• Removal of metals from aqueous solutions• Removal of mercury from gaseous waste streams• Production of nanoparticles from precious metals
References: N. Bandow et al. “Spectral and copper binding properties of methanobactin from the facultative methanotroph Methylocystis strain SB2”, Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, 110, pp.72-82, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.jinorgbio.2012.02.002. Epub 2012 Feb 12. PubMed PMID: 22504273.
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