Executive Summary
Many patients, especially the elderly, are on various forms of medication, leading to higher risks of adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and drug-drug interactions (DDIs). Addressing this complex issue of polypharmacy requires collation of multiple factors, including patient clinical profiles, functional status, and evidence-based data on potentially harmful medication interactions. ARMOR is an interactive tool developed by an MSU physician that can be used to successfully evaluate polypharmacy risks in elderly patients.
Description of Technology
ARMOR is comprised of five steps—Assess, Review, Minimize, Optimize, and Reassess. This step-wise process allows clinicians to address possible DDIs and ADRs and minimize risk by eliminating nonessential medications. ARMOR has been implemented in a clinical setting and shown to decrease the number of medications elderly patients are on, as well as decrease falls and potentially harmful behaviors in their facility. The ARMOR instrument has been shown to allow for more efficacious and safe treatment of senior patients.
Key Benefits
Licensing Rights Available
Full licensing rights available.
Inventors: Raza Haque
Tech ID: TEC2015-0056