This invention is a range of aquatic vessels designed as “drones” or “bots” capable of individual or collective action for water monitoring, collection of materials, or discharge of contents. As a system, these devices may be operated in an unmanned autonomous fashion or via remote control, or a hybrid of the two. Drones may function as a swarm or armada, for either “diagnostic” or “therapeutic” purposes. As diagnostic devices, they will have means of sensing, recording, and telemetered data which may be stored onboard or remotely, processed, and analyzed, and displayed to create maps or other graphic depictions of regional or global conditions. As therapeutic devices, drones are capable of material scavenging and removal, e.g., sea plastics, or of the release of mitigating agents or materials. Background: Oceans and water bodies have vital roles in transporting goods as well as guiding and maintaining the environmental health of the planet. It is essential to guard and protect water to preserve its functionality, purity, and availability as it is such a fundamental component of all life. However, with increasing human population, there is an increase in waste that ends up in bodies of water. Although there are many waste collection and removal devices for water bodies, they either require human supervision or work autonomously. Applications: