Invention Summary:
Rutgers University initiated hazelnut research and breeding program in 1996 to address the fatal tree disease eastern filbert blight (EFB) caused by the naturally occurring fungus, Anisogramma anomala.
Rutgers researchers through partnering with members of the Hybrid Hazelnut Consortium (Oregon State University, Rutgers University, Arbor Day Foundation, University of Nebraska Lincoln/Nebraska Forest Service), has jointly developed ‘OSU 541.147’, which is a cross of NY 616 (C. americana ‘Rush’ x C. avellana ‘Barcelona’) x C. avellana OSU 226.118. It is a high yielding hybrid hazelnut tree with small nuts and adequate blanching after roasting, making it suited for the kernel market. Most kernels are 9–11 mm in diameter with an average weight of 0.9 grams and 44% kernel by weight In New Jersey. ‘OSU 541.147’ is a vigorous, upright tree with a slightly spreading growth habit. It carries an EFB resistance gene from C. americana ‘Rush’ and has been shown to get no EFB in New Jersey or Oregon. ‘OSU 541.147’ is suggested for use primarily as a pollinizer in New Jersey, but growers may find that its consistent high yields of nuts outweigh its small kernel size. It has S-alleles 8 and 23 with S8 expressed in the pollen, and blooms in the early to mid-season in New Jersey making it a valuable pollinizer for the other Rutgers cultivars. It is compatible in both directions with ‘Monmouth’ (S1S12), ‘Raritan’ (S3S22), ‘Somerset’ (S3S10), ‘Hunterdon’ (S1S3), ‘Slate (NY616) (S1S23), ‘Gene’ (NY398) (S15S23), and ‘Grand Traverse (S11S25). Nuts typically drop from the second to third week in September. It is susceptible to bud mite in Oregon, but this has not been observed in New Jersey.
Market Applications:
Intellectual Property & Development Status: Issued patent: US PP33,561 P2. Available for licensing and/or research collaboration. Please contact