Search Results - technology+classifications+%3e+environmental+%3e+water

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Portable Device for On-Site Pathogen Detection in Water Samples
Utilizes Nucleic Acid Detection for Rapid and Sensitive In-Situ Waterborne Pathogen Detection This portable device enables on-site pathogen detection in water. Contamination of water sources by various biological or nonbiological contaminants constitutes global public health concerns. Pathogens are rapidly introduced in water and can enter the human...
Published: 3/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Hugh Fan, Carlos Manzanas, Todd Osborne
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Instrumentation-Sensors-Photonics, Technology Classifications > Environmental > Water
Magnetic Nanoparticles for Reducing Contaminants in Waterways
Removes Ultra-Fine Particulate Pollutants from Suspension These magnetic nanoparticles have the capacity to remove ultra-fine particulate pollution by forming aggregates with pollutant particles. In Florida, phosphorus from human activity is a long-term threat to the sensitive ecosystems found in the Everglades. Constructed wetlands are engineered...
Published: 2/22/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jonathan Judy
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Environmental > Water, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Civil
Radar-Based Water Detection Device for Highly Accurate Real-Time Measurements
Small, Low-Power, Wireless Sensor Detects Water Elevation Changes and Streams Continuous Data to a Local PC or Base StationThis DC-coupled, continuous-wave Doppler radar sensor can accurately and effectively measure water flow data and wirelessly transmit the data to a local station. The device can track sub-millimeter water displacement and distance...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Changzhi Li, Jennifer Bridge, Changzhan Gu, Justin Davis
Keywords(s): radar, sensor, sensor technology related to measurements
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Civil, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Electrical, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Instrumentation-Sensors-Photonics, Technology Classifications > Environmental > Water
Passive Flux Meter that Quantifies Contaminants in Surface Water and Groundwater Flow
Inexpensively Detects and Quantifies Dissolved PollutantsThis passive flux meter (PFM) quantifies contaminant fluxes and loads in fluid flow systems, including groundwater, surface water and difficult-to-monitor Karst or fractured-rock aquifers. In the groundwater configuration, passive flux meters are inserted into screened groundwater monitoring wells...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): James Jawitz, William McDougal, Kirk Hatfield, Michael Annable, Harald Klammler
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Environmental > Water
Polymeric Chromogenic Sensor to Analyze Ethanol Concentration in Gasoline, Drugs and Other Liquid Products
Changes Color upon Contact with Chemical Analytes to Detect and Quantify the Presence of a Liquid in Commercial Liquid ProductsThis chromogenic sensor uses shape memory polymer gratings to detect the concentration of ethanol in gasoline and other commercial liquid products. One of the most common uses of ethanol is as a fuel additive to reduce air pollution,...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Peng Jiang, Zhuxiao Gu, Sin-Yen Leo
Keywords(s): optical discs, optics, polymer, Sensors, shape memory polymer
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Materials, Technology Classifications > Environmental > Water
Electrokinetic Dewatering System that Effectively Removes Water from Phosphatic Clay Slurries
An Applied Low Voltage Electrical Field Enhances the Rate of Clay Dewatering, Hastening Clay Settling Pond Land Reclamation Continuous operation of this electrokinetic dewatering system removes water from phosphatic clay suspensions, thereby achieving clay cake solid contents approaching 25 percent more rapidly than other methods. In Central Florida,...
Published: 6/27/2021   |   Inventor(s): Mark Orazem, David Bloomquist, Saeed Moghaddam, Rui Kong, Yuelong Huang, Dazhi Yu, Han Lai, David Horner
Keywords(s): Clays, dewatering, mining, Phosphate fertilizer
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering > Chemical, Technology Classifications > Engineering > Civil, Technology Classifications > Environmental > Solid, Technology Classifications > Environmental > Water