Search Results - sherry+chemler

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Antiproliferative Betti Bases and Prodrugs Thereof
Betti base drugs and prodrugs optimized to enhance their antiproliferative activity through inhibition of MDM2, MDMX, p53, E3 ligase and FTH1. Background: Betti bases are a family of small organic molecules composed of phenolic or hydroxyarl benzylic amine derivatives. These molecules have established antiproliferative effects on various cancer cell...
Published: 8/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): Sherry Chemler, Xinjiang Wang, Samuel Galster, Rati Lama
Keywords(s): Featured, Technologies
Category(s): Campus > University at Buffalo, Technology Classifications > Biomedical Science and Engineering, Technology Classifications > Healthcare, Technology Classifications > Therapeutics and Vaccines