Search Results - junghyun+cho

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Fecal Bacterial Markers for Non-Invasive Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer
[Licensing negotiation in progress][Invitation for Expression of Interest - Deadline: 19 July 2018]We are inviting expressions of interest (EoI) for commercializing “Fecal Bacterial Markers for Non-invasive Diagnosis of Colorectal Cancer” technology. The innovation is developed by Professor YU Jun, Professor of Department of Medicine &...
Published: 6/20/2023   |   Inventor(s): Jun Yu, Jao Yiu Joseph Sung, Qiaoyi Liang
Category(s): Diagnostics
Ceramic Thin Film Embedded Capacitors
Method for size reduction, increased functionality, improved high frequency performance, cost savings and increased reliability of typically crowded electronic circuit boards Background: As electronic circuit boards become crowded with numerous discrete components, additional advances require utilization of the inner spaces of electronics packaging...
Published: 9/30/2021   |   Inventor(s): Junghyun Cho, Bahgat Sammakia, Roy Magnuson, Mark Poliks
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, CleanTech, Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Electronics, Campus > Binghamton University
Positive Ceramic/SAM (Self-Assembled Monolayer) Bilayer Coatings
A dipping process that deposits a bi-layer coating consisting of a ceramic film with a compliant self-assembled monolayer binding layer grow ceramic thin films onto silicon substrates Background: A dipping process that deposits a bi-layer coating consisting of a ceramic film with a compliant self-assembled monolayer (SAM) binding layer grow ceramic...
Published: 7/21/2024   |   Inventor(s): Junghyun Cho, Wayne Jones, Scott Oliver, Bahgat Sammakia
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, Technologies
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Engineering, Technology Classifications > Electronics, Campus > Binghamton University
Photocatalytic Nanoceramic Coatings
A novel, controlled, low-temperature process based on in-situ precipitated nanostructures grown in aqueous solution for making and non-destructively depositing functional metal oxide films on various substrates Background: Modifying material surfaces to enhance its properties is a common practice for a myriad of applications. Technology...
Published: 4/13/2024   |   Inventor(s): Junghyun Cho
Keywords(s): #SUNYresearch, Technologies, XCEED
Category(s): Technology Classifications > Materials and Chemicals, Campus > Binghamton University
Micro-RNA Makers for Colon Cancer
Invention Referene: 10/MED/349 This technology relates to methods of detecting the presence of specific RNA sequences in a biological sample for diagnosing or providing a prognosis for colon cancer (CRC).     AdvantagesEarly detection and removal of adenoma has been shown to reduce the incidence and mortality of CRC. Colonoscopy...
Published: 12/14/2020   |   Inventor(s): Jun Yu, Jao Yiu Joseph Sung, Chung Wah Wu
Category(s): Diagnostics