Search Results - green+fluorescent+protein

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Real-Time Colorimetric and Fluorescent Imaging in Live Cells
Description of Technology Innovators at Michigan State University (MSU) have developed a novel method for dynamic tracking of proteins in living cells. MSU's novel method tags proteins with a wide variety of colors, enabling several different proteins to be detected and tracked simultaneously. Using this method, multiple color variants are genetically...
Published: 10/1/2024   |   Inventor(s): Babak Borhan, James Geiger, Wenjing Wang, Chrysoula Vasileiou, Kin Sing Lee, Tetyana Berbasova
Keywords(s): Cytometry, Fluorescence, Fluorescent Dyes, Fluorescent Label, Green Fluorescent Protein, High Throughput Assay
Category(s): Biotechnology