Search Results - -biology

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A Method for Modulating Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations in the Human Intestine
Engineered bacteria (smart probiotics) have been developed to sense and modify harmful sulfur species and specifically hydrogen sulfide in the gut for the treatment of intestinal diseases such as IBD. Source:...
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Justin Hayes, Benjamin Woolston
Keywords(s): Biotech, Gastrointestinal Disease, Medical/Health, Metabolic Engineering, Microbiology
Category(s): -Health, -Microbiology, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Biotechnology, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Bio-sensors, -Chemistry, -Biology
Single-cell Pairing Chip for Personalized Immunotherapeutic Screening
INV-19067 Background Natural Killer cells are a type of white blood cell that physically interact with target cancer cells and determine whether to lyse them. The innate heterogeneity of both cancer and NK cells leads to a variety of interactions between pairs of NK-cancer cells. Therefore, single-cell analysis would help in analyzing these interactions...
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Yantao Fan, Tania Konry
Keywords(s): Biotech, Cancer
Category(s): -Biology, -Devices, -Cancer, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science, Diagnostics, Chemistry, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Drug Discovery
Lipid-Free Anchoring of Thermophilic Bacteriophage G20C Portal Adapter into Solid-State Nanopores
INV-18089 Lipid-free Anchoring of Thermophilic Bacteriophage G20C Portal Adapter into Solid-State Nanopores A novel system for high‑resolution DNA and RNA sequencing, protein identification, and protein conformational change monitoring Background Nanopore-based sensors have advanced the sensitivity and selectivity of single-molecule detection....
Published: 10/15/2024   |   Inventor(s): Meni Wanunu, Alfred Antson, Sandra Greive, Benjamin Cressiot
Category(s): -Biology, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Biotechnology
Methods and Compositions for Ex Vivo Generation of Developmentally Competent Eggs from Germline Cells Using Autologous Cell Systems
INV-14038 Background According to the latest CDC records, about 12% of women aged 15-44 are suffering from some sorts of infertility; yet, less than 2% of infertile couples actually undergo assisted reproductive therapy (ART). Besides the prohibitive cost of infertility treatments, many factors, including diminished population of immature egg cells...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Jonathan Tilly, Dori Woods
Keywords(s): Biotech, Materials, Medical Device, Method
Category(s): -Biology, -Materials, -Method, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Medical Devices
Method for Delivery to the Brain of Plasmid DNA Encoding Therapeutic Proteins for CNS Disorders
#0000FF;text-decoration: underline;border-collapse: collapse; } INV-1262 Background Neurodegenerative diseases are debilitating diseases that impose significant financial and social impact and burden. The prevalence of these diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is progressing...
Published: 9/10/2024   |   Inventor(s): Barbara Waszczak, Brendan Harmon, Mark Cooper
Keywords(s): Biology, Biotech, Chemistry, Drug Delivery, Health, Medical, Medical/Health, Method, Neurological Disease, Process, Psychiatric Disease, Therapeutic
Category(s): -Biology, -Health, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Therapeutics, Technology Classifications > 1. Life Science > Drug Delivery